Press Release

#ichclairedas by MITOcare - knowledge transfer for all

The audio blog about our MITOcare products

Munich, August 28, 2023

Knowledge comes first at MITOcare - and not just for expert users. At MITOcare, everyone can get information. Be it with the help of blog articles, via social media channels and now also by means of audio blogs on Spotify - the format "ichclairedas" with medical student Claire offers easily understandable knowledge at any time. The audio blog can be found here.

Why is knowledge transfer so important for MITOcare?

MITOcare believes that every person should understand their own body and that prevention is only truly possible with this understanding of health. Therefore, it is our mission to break down complex scientific relationships and the latest findings so that they can be easily and quickly understood. Probably the most important thing about knowledge transfer is accessibility, i.e. where and how quickly the knowledge is available and in what form it is conveyed. Always between medical expertise and generally understandable explanations, MITOcare tries to cover exactly these points with the multifaceted format "ichclairedas".

"Prevention belongs in the first place, but unfortunately that is wishful thinking at the moment. This is mainly due to the lack of health awareness among the general population and the lack of consultation time in the practice. The way to more readiness for prevention is knowledge - and that is exactly the goal of ichclairedas" says the author and the voice behind the audioblog.

In order to reach people in their everyday lives, Claire has been educating people about current health information in short one-minute videos on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube since September 2022. Each month, the focus changes so that a deeper insight into a specific topic can be provided within a month without losing the lightness. For a detailed introduction to one of the topics, further sources and studies are available, as well as blog posts that are set to music for better accessibility and published on Spotify as audio blogs. These can be found at here.

The face behind "ichclairedas

Claire is a medical student and also a long-time employee at MITOcare. In addition to her studies, she continues her education primarily with the help of MITOcare's diverse range of seminars and webinars, as well as by reading many studies and scientific papers on her own, and now provides more knowledge transfer to the masses with her own format.