Our product range supports you in your holistic well-being:

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New MITOcare products


The capsule product for your gut
with lacto- & bifidobacteria -
without histamine-forming cultures
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Experience the
highlights of our product world

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mito drink: the alternative power drink

11 Vitamins & power from guarana & green tea

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MITOcare Diagnostics

New: genetic tests to unleash your full potential based on your genetic predisposition

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MITOcare sales store at Munich Harras

Benefit from promotions & personal advice in the store

Are you from Munich or the surrounding area? Then don't miss the special offers in our MITOcare store at Harras. Get personal advice on site, save on shipping costs and take advantage of discounts that are only available in the store.

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Who we are

Unleash your holistic well-being

"Everyone deserves to be healthy."

With our micronutrients, our functional drink & our gene diagnostics tool, we want to help you achieve more vitality and zest for life & support you in reaching your full potential since 2013.

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Digital gift vouchers

Give your loved ones the gift of well-being

Do you want to give your loved ones a meaningful gift? Then make them happy and give them our digital gift vouchers. They can choose valuable micronutrients according to their needs and actively support their well-being.

What our customers say

Micronutrients as needed

Antioxidants & cell protection
Connective tissue & collagen
Intestinal flora
Energy & performance
Focus & Mental Performance
Healthy Aging & Longevity
Cardiovascular system & blood vessels
Immune system
Womens health
Liver & bitters
Mitochondria & vital energy
Thyroid gland
Quality of sleep
Sports & Performance
Vitamin balance

-30% on mito drinks

We are currently giving you -30% off all mito drinks. Get the smart drink alternative with 11 important vitamins and guarana & green tea for a refreshed, vital everyday life.

Our knowledge blog

Would you like to expand your knowledge about a vital lifestyle, micronutrients & nutrition?
Discover our knowledge blogs on the topics of micronutrients, health, sport, nutrition & sleep.

Mitochondrien stärken: 8 Tipps für den Alltag
8 tips for healthy mitochondria and more energy
Do you lack energy? Do you feel tired no matter how much you rest? Do you feel like you want to support your energy metabolism? Or have you heard about mitochondria and would like to find out more about what mitochondria actually are and how you can strengthen them?
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Mehr Muskelmasse durch Epigenetik & Mitochondrien-Power
More muscle mass through epigenetics & mitochondrial power
In this article, we'll dive deep into the science behind muscle building, including the latest findings in epigenetics and mitochondrial function.
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Was ist das Immunsystem? Alles über den Schutzschild deines Körpers
What is the immune system? All about your body's protective shield
The body is in constant exchange with the environment. But not all substances from your environment are welcome. The immune system takes on the role of gatekeeper. In this article, you can find out which strategies protect you from infections and what exactly the immune system is.
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Mineralstoffe, Spurenelemente und Elektrolyte: Der große Überblick
Minerals, trace elements and electrolytes: the big picture
Nothing works in the body without them: minerals and trace elements are the driving forces behind many vital processes. In this article, you can find out which of these substances are essential and where you can get them from.
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Knochen, Bänder und Sehnen stärken: Für mehr Fitness und weniger Beschwerden
Strengthen bones, joints and tendons: For more fitness and less discomfort
With a strong musculoskeletal system, you are ready for sporting challenges. In this article, you'll find out how to strengthen your tendons and joints and why nutrients are so important.
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Weißt du wie das Vitamin D-Verhältnis dein Immunsystem reguliert?
Do you know how the vitamin D ratio regulates your immune system?
Around 60% of all adults in Germany have a vitamin D deficiency or are insufficiently supplied with it. In this article, we will tell you more about the special immune vitamin D.
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Migräne: Ursachen, Symptome und Abhilfe
Migraine: causes, symptoms and remedies
14.8% of women and 6% of men in Germany meet all the criteria for migraine. In this article, you can find out more about migraine, its manifestations, treatment options and migraine prevention.
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Glutenunverträglichkeit: Symptome und Ernährungstipps
Glutenunverträglichkeit: Symptome und Ernährungstipps

Bei Glutenunverträglichkeit und Zöliakie ist bewusste Ernährung das A und O. Lerne wichtige Symptome kennen und Tipps für glutenfreien Genuss.

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Die Darm-Hirn-Achse - wie arbeiten Darm und Hirn zusammen?
The gut-brain axis - how do the gut and brain work together?
Gut and brain - two important organs in the human body. But what do they have to do with each other? Quite a lot! Because a healthy gut makes for a healthy brain and vice versa.
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Vitamine für Sportler: Welche Nährstoffe geben dir Power?
Vitamins for athletes: Which nutrients give you power?
Find out which vitamins are essential for athletes and how you can boost your performance during sport.
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Aminosäuremangel: Symptome, Ursachen und was du dagegen tun kannst
Amino acid deficiency: symptoms, causes and what you can do about it
Amino acids play an important role in the human body. In this article, you will find out what amino acids are, what they mean for the body and what symptoms you can use to recognize a deficiency. You will also get tips on how to remedy your amino acid deficiency.
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Prä- und Probiotika – füttere deine Darmbakterien
Pre- and probiotics - feed your gut bacteria
Your gut has all kinds of functions. It communicates with other regions of your body, such as the brain, and even produces neurotransmitters together with the resident gut bacteria. Find out why the gut is often associated with the "seat of health" and how you can promote your gut health.
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Discover our Principle Causa Logica Categories:

Discover our MITOcare micronutrient preparations according to the Causa Logica principle. We stand for innovative and qualitatively particularly high-quality nutrient and plant substance products. They  support your well-being and help you to stay in balance - nutritionally sensibly coordinated with each other.

MITOcare cooperation partner

Every human being
deserves to be healthy

Moritz Leitner Fußballprofi Testimonial MITOcare Mikronährstoffe
With MITOcare back
to my old strength
“I noticed immediately that my regeneration times got significantly shorter with the MITOcare products.”

Sabine Lisicki, professional tennis player

Getting through a stressful day-to-day life in a healthy way
“My workdays are often over 12 hours long. In order to stay balanced, I count on the power of plant substances.”

Ben Strässle, photographer

What Moritz
says about our products
“As a top athlete, I am always interested in increasing my performance so I can support my team in the best way possible. Next to extra training periods, it is important to me to support my body permanently with important nutritional and plant substances for performance enhancement and regeneration.“

Moritz Leitner, midfielder FC Zürich

Always fully engaged with MITOcare products
“As project manager, I have to keep an eye on several subjects at the same time. Since I have started on my nutritional substance therapy plan with MITOcare, I have noticed a definite increase in energy and my ability to concentrate.”

Philipp Eden, project manager

Back to top athletic form with MITOcare products
“After my serious knee injury, I learned about MITOcare at a moment when it was mentally difficult for me to continue to stay motivated.”

Quirin Moll, professionall soccer player

Build & strengthen
mitochondria function

Here, everything revolves around our mitochondria, the power stations of the cells which create your life energy.

Our biological age is defined by sufficient ATP production. ATP as the universal energy carrier in the body, is produced daily by your mitochondria.

"The idea is to die as late as possible." -Ashley Montagu-