Mental performance, focus & concentration

In today's fast-paced world, mental management and concentration are crucial for personal and professional success. The body can be specifically supported with micronutrients. Riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C and folate help to reduce tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B6 and vitamin C contribute to energy metabolism and pantothenic acid to mental performance. The MITOcare micronutrients listed here provide support through their carefully selected ingredients such as vitamins and minerals*. All information on the exact ingredients and their effects can be found on the respective product pages.

*Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function. | Zinc contributes to normal cognitive function. | Pantothenic acid contributes to normal mental performance.

More knowledge for your well-being

Discover our blog posts on amino acids, mitochondria, vitamins & co:

What is Zinc, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?

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What is PQQ, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?
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What is iodine, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?
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Coenzym Q10
Coenzyme Q10
What is coenzyme Q10, what function und effect does it have on your well-being?
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PQQ Wirkung: Wie PQQ und Q10 dein Wohlbefinden fördern
The PQQ effect: How PQQ and Q10 improve your well-being
Find out in the MITOcare knowledge blog how the micronutrients PQQ and Q10 strengthen your mitochondria and your performance.
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Aminosäuremangel: Symptome, Ursachen und was du dagegen tun kannst
Amino acid deficiency: symptoms, causes and what you can do about it
Amino acids play an important role in the human body. In this article, you will find out what amino acids are, what they mean for the body and what symptoms you can use to recognize a deficiency. You will also get tips on how to remedy your amino acid deficiency.
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Warum ist Vitamin B12 so wichtig für den Körper?
Why is vitamin B12 so important for the body?
Vitamin B12 is one of the most important B vitamins. This makes it all the more important that we get it from our food. But what is the best way to do this? What function does vitamin B12 have in our body?
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Aminosäuren & Sport: Darum brauchst du Proteinbausteine
Amino acids & sport: why you need protein building blocks
Amino acids are important for success in training. Find out all about their function and how to take them correctly.
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Was sind Mitochondrien: Aufbau und Funktion
What are mitochondria: Structure and function
Get to know mitochondria and find out why the power plants of your cells deserve special attention.
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Mitochondrien stärken: 8 Tipps für den Alltag
8 tips for healthy mitochondria and more energy
Do you lack energy? Do you feel tired no matter how much you rest? Do you feel like you want to support your energy metabolism? Or have you heard about mitochondria and would like to find out more about what mitochondria actually are and how you can strengthen them?
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Welche Funktionen haben wasserlösliche Vitamine?
What are the functions of water-soluble vitamins?
Having already dealt with the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K2 in Part 1, the water-soluble vitamins, which are in no way inferior to the fat-soluble vitamins, are still missing. What functions do B vitamins and of course the well-known vitamin C have? Find out more in part 2 on vitamins.
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Welche Vitamine gibt es und was machen sie in deinem Körper?
What vitamins are there and what do they do in your body?
Vitamins are vital substances for your body. You need them to maintain all your bodily functions; without them, your body would not be able to perform or survive. In this article, we will start by introducing you to these vital substances and going into more detail about the functions of the vitamins. We even need two parts for 13 vitamins. Here in Part 1 you will find everything about the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and vitamin K2.
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