Macronutrients of Principle Causa Logica

Discover macronutrients in the “Principle Causa Logica” product line. These complex products have been carefully developed by doctors & experts to naturally support your macronutrients, which form the basis for holistic well-being. Proteins and their building blocks - amino acids - are essential, as essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body. They are crucial for building muscles, enzymes & hormones. Lipids - better known as fats - are just as important: they form cell membranes, store energy & protect organs. More information on the product pages.

Knowledge about macronutrients

Discover our blog posts about oils & amino acids:

Fette & Öle – welche sind gesund?
Fats & oils - which are healthy?
Fats and oils have fallen into disrepute. But not all of them are bad. Some oils fulfill crucial functions in your body. So which oils are healthy and which should you avoid?
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Was sind Aminosäuren und was bewirken sie?
What are amino acids and what do they do?
Amino acids are protein building blocks and are important for the muscles, among other things. Find out which amino acids are available and where you can get them.
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Aminosäuren & Sport: Darum brauchst du Proteinbausteine
Amino acids & sport: why you need protein building blocks
Amino acids are important for success in training. Find out all about their function and how to take them correctly.
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Aminosäuremangel: Symptome, Ursachen und was du dagegen tun kannst
Amino acid deficiency: symptoms, causes and what you can do about it
Amino acids play an important role in the human body. In this article, you will find out what amino acids are, what they mean for the body and what symptoms you can use to recognize a deficiency. You will also get tips on how to remedy your amino acid deficiency.
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Kreatin zum Muskelaufbau: Wie effektiv ist es wirklich für dein Training?
Creatine for muscle building: How effective is it really for your training?

Athletes need strong muscles. We will tell you whether creatine effectively supports muscle building & your training & how it works.

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What is taurine, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?
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What is creatine, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?
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Was ist Leucin, welche Funktion und Wirkung hat es auf dein Wohlbefinden?
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What is isoleucine, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?
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What is glutamine, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?
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What is Valine, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?

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What is Tryptophane, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?

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What is Threonine, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?

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What is Phenylalanine, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?

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What is methionine, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?
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Was ist Lysin, welche Funktion und Wirkung hat es auf dein Wohlbefinden?
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