Level of the organs in Principle Causa Logica

In the organ level of the product line “Principle Causa Logica” you will find innovative complex products that support your organs such as intestines, liver, heart & musculoskeletal system with carefully developed micronutrients. All products have been carefully developed by doctors & experts with a focus on nutrient synergies & bioavailability. More information on the product pages.

Knowledge about organs

Knochen, Bänder und Sehnen stärken: Für mehr Fitness und weniger Beschwerden
Strengthen bones, joints and tendons: For more fitness and less discomfort
With a strong musculoskeletal system, you are ready for sporting challenges. In this article, you'll find out how to strengthen your tendons and joints and why nutrients are so important.
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Die Darm-Hirn-Achse - wie arbeiten Darm und Hirn zusammen?
The gut-brain axis - how do the gut and brain work together?
Gut and brain - two important organs in the human body. But what do they have to do with each other? Quite a lot! Because a healthy gut makes for a healthy brain and vice versa.
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Was hilft gegen Blähbauch? 7 Tipps bei Blähbauch Problemen
What helps with bloating? 7 tips for bloating problems
Everyone has probably had a bloated belly at some point. It pinches, it's uncomfortable, it hurts and you simply feel uncomfortable in anything you're wearing. Whether it's after a meal, early in the morning, in the evening, before your period or even permanently: your bloated belly has a cause that you can get to the bottom of. Do you know what causes bloating and what you can do about it? Find out more in this article.
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Blut-Hirn-Schranke reparieren und schützen
Repairing and protecting the blood-brain barrier
The blood-brain barrier is a natural barrier between your bloodstream and your nervous system. This article shows you why your body needs this barrier and why you should protect it.
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Prä- und Probiotika – füttere deine Darmbakterien
Pre- and probiotics - feed your gut bacteria
Your gut has all kinds of functions. It communicates with other regions of your body, such as the brain, and even produces neurotransmitters together with the resident gut bacteria. Find out why the gut is often associated with the "seat of health" and how you can promote your gut health.
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9 Tipps, wie du Zucker im Alltag vermeiden kannst
9 tips on how to avoid sugar in everyday life
Do you notice how your sugar intake has increased? Do you feel tired after eating, especially if it was a big "unhealthy" meal? Would you like to reduce your sugar intake and have more energy in your everyday life again? With this blog article, we want to help you reduce your sugar consumption in everyday life.
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Gesunder Zucker – ist das möglich?
Healthy sugar - is it possible?
Do you want a sugar for your optimal energy supply and yet no side effects such as tooth decay and fluctuating blood sugar levels? This article shows you the advantages and disadvantages of the most important sugar alternatives.
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Glutenunverträglichkeit: Symptome und Ernährungstipps
Glutenunverträglichkeit: Symptome und Ernährungstipps

Bei Glutenunverträglichkeit und Zöliakie ist bewusste Ernährung das A und O. Lerne wichtige Symptome kennen und Tipps für glutenfreien Genuss.

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Nattokinase: Wirkung und Wissenswertes über das Enzym
Nattokinase: Effect and interesting facts about the enzyme
Do you already know nattokinase? Find out what's behind the enzyme that influences blood clotting.
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