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Nine tips on how to avoid sugar in your everyday life

Do you notice how your sugar consumption has increased? Would you like to reduce your sugar consumption and have more energy in your everyday life again? This blog article has a few tips for you.

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Nine tips on how to avoid sugar in your everyday life

Do you notice how your sugar intake has increased? Do you feel tired after a meal, especially if it was a big "unhealthy" meal? Would you like to reduce your sugar consumption and have more energy in everyday life again?

With this blog article, we want to help you reduce your sugar consumption in everyday life.

Knowledge for your ears!

Knowledge for your ears!

Table of Contents:

• The most important facts about your sugar consumption
• Tips to reduce sugar more easily in everyday life
• What foods do we recommend on a sugar-free diet?
• The Taga Mix - The sugar alternative you need

The most important facts about your sugar consumption

What you should know:
Pure sugar contains no vitamins or minerals, can make you sick and even addicted. Yes, it tastes good and provides quick energy, but does this alone outweigh the disadvantages? We dare to doubt it. The WHO advises eating no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day[1]. On average, however, every German consumes almost 22 teaspoons of sugar.

People often underestimate their own sugar consumption, as sugar is found in more foods than initially suspected. So it is not surprising that the decision to live sugar-free can easily lead to frustration at the beginning.
Consider this figure: Every German eats an average of 89 g of sugar per day[2], which is almost 2.7 kg in 30 days!

In addition, a sugar-free diet also brings some negative side effects at the beginning, as the body reacts to sugar withdrawal with headaches, dizziness or skin blemishes, for example. If you resist these withdrawal symptoms, you will be rewarded. The general well-being improves, one feels fitter and more energetic, even the sense of taste can improve. Sugar also causes blood sugar levels to rise, which means you are very awake during the day and can't fall asleep at night. Excessive sugar consumption can make you sluggish and listless. A sugar-free diet makes you fitter and more alert throughout the day and helps you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Tips to reduce sugar more easily in everyday life

Getting started with the sugar-free life is not easy. Many question marks, setbacks and comments from outsiders may stand in your way.

With the following tips we want to try to give you an easy start into a sugar-free life:

#1 Prepare well
What foods do you buy regularly? Check the packaging at home to see how many of them contain added sugar - replace them with sugar-free foods the next time you shop. Again, when you're out shopping, get in the habit of looking at the ingredients before anything ends up in your cart. The ingredient that's included the most is at the top. You'll be surprised how often sugar is first on the list.

It's also important to know that sugar has many names. The word ending -ose usually unmasks it. For example, lactose (milk sugar), sucrose (household and beet sugar), maltose (malt sugar), glucose and dextrose (grape sugar) or fructose (fruit sugar).
Other hidden sugar traps include:
• Ingredients ending in "-dextrin", such as maltodextrin or wheat dextrin
• Malts or malt extracts such as barley malt or barley malt extract
• Concentrated milk products such as skimmed milk powder or sweet whey powder
• Fruit sweeteners, juices, fruit concentrates and nectars
• Ready-made sauces and dressings and tomato ketchup
• Dairy products such as fruit yogurts or cocoa drinks
#2 Make a plan
Make a plan of what you want to eat and when. This way you avoid buying a small snack at the supermarket or bakery or ordering something in the evening instead of cooking fresh.
#3 Drink unsweetened beverages
Try to drink your tea or coffee without sugar. If you find this difficult at the beginning, try it slowly and halve the amount of sugar. You'll see that in time you'll be able to cut it out altogether.
Likewise, you should eliminate soft drinks from your drink menu, because it's no secret that they contain a lot of sugar.

It's best to reach for water when you're thirsty. It's important to drink plenty of water because we even often mistake thirst for hunger. For example, mix your own healthy lemonade and avoid industrially prepared drinks.
#4 Eat less convenience food
Yes, it's quick and after a long day at work, you often don't feel like cooking fresh. In no time at all, the pizza is in the oven. Unfortunately, convenience products contain a relatively high amount of sugar. A frozen pizza contains up to 14 g of sugar.

#5 Do not go shopping hungry
We've all been there: going shopping with an empty stomach and later wondering what all ended up in the shopping cart. Most of the time, it's not the healthy foods you reach for, but the ones with a lot of sugar. That's why we recommend you always go to the supermarket well satiated.

#6 Do not buy sweets
Almost everyone has it - the candy drawer or candy cabinet - always nicely stocked. What would it be like if you simply stopped buying supplies? Then it would soon be empty, you wouldn't have any more sweets at home, and you wouldn't be tempted to reach for a chocolate bar or something similar in a weak moment. And let's be honest: How often do we eat sweets out of boredom?

Don't eat sugared cereal or cornflakes
For many, muesli in the morning is simply part of a good start to the day. But have you ever looked at how much sugar it contains? According to consumer protection experts, many ready-to-eat mueslis contain a quarter of sugar! That's the equivalent of eight sugar cubes per 100 grams. Instead, prepare your own muesli from oatmeal and nuts, or make yourself a healthy Bircher muesli.

#8 Cook and bake sugar free/b>
At first, it's probably a bit unusual to bake your own bread for breakfast or a cake for Sunday afternoon. But one thing is for sure: You can't get bread or cake in the supermarket without sugar. There are many great recipes for sugar-free cakes or sugar-free bread that are also easy to make and taste great. So you can feast without remorse.

#9 Find allies/b>
Find friends or family members who want to start a sugar-free life together with you. This way, you can motivate each other when one of you has a slump. It's also more fun together and you can share successes, recipes, tips and tricks.

What foods do we recommend on a sugar-free diet?

To help you get started on a sugar-free diet, here are foods without sugar that you can easily incorporate into your diet:
1. Fresh fruit and vegetables, in season
2. Nuts, kernels and seeds, whole, ground or in the form of mush 3. Legumes such as chickpeas, beans and lentils
4. High-quality vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil, olive oil, walnut oil or linseed oil
5. Fresh or dried herbs and spices
6. So-called pseudocereals such as amaranth, quinoa or buckwheat
7. Fish, meat and eggs - raw and unprocessed, without ready marinade
8. Sugar alternatives such as erythritol, xylitol, stevia, tagatose and galactose

We hope that after reading this blog article, you will find it easier to avoid sugar, or even to give up sugar altogether over time and live a sugar-free life.

Your health will thank you.


