Cologne List®

MITOcare stands for clean sport and therefore has all MITOcare products, which are specially developed for athletes, tested according to the strict quality standards of the Cologne List®.

Knowledge about sport & performance

You can find out more about sport, exercise & performance in our blog posts:
Mehr Muskelmasse durch Epigenetik & Mitochondrien-Power
More muscle mass through epigenetics & mitochondrial power
In this article, we'll dive deep into the science behind muscle building, including the latest findings in epigenetics and mitochondrial function.
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Kreatin zum Muskelaufbau: Wie effektiv ist es wirklich für dein Training?
Creatine for muscle building: How effective is it really for your training?

Athletes need strong muscles. We will tell you whether creatine effectively supports muscle building & your training & how it works.

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Aminosäuremangel: Symptome, Ursachen und was du dagegen tun kannst
Amino acid deficiency: symptoms, causes and what you can do about it
Amino acids play an important role in the human body. In this article, you will find out what amino acids are, what they mean for the body and what symptoms you can use to recognize a deficiency. You will also get tips on how to remedy your amino acid deficiency.
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Aminosäuren & Sport: Darum brauchst du Proteinbausteine
Amino acids & sport: why you need protein building blocks
Amino acids are important for success in training. Find out all about their function and how to take them correctly.
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Was sind Aminosäuren und was bewirken sie?
What are amino acids and what do they do?
Amino acids are protein building blocks and are important for the muscles, among other things. Find out which amino acids are available and where you can get them.
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Sport während der Periode: Training und Zyklus im Einklang
Sport during your period: training and cycle in harmony
Make the most of your cycle phases for training and regeneration. Get tips for period power and more performance.
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Das solltest du im Herbst beim Sport beachten – 5 Tipps für eine aktive Herbstzeit
What you should bear in mind when exercising in fall - 5 tips for an active fall season
There are a few things to consider in the fall in order to train optimally during this time. In this article, we give you 5 important tips for the transitional period and also introduce you to the perfect new sporting stimuli for fall. Autumn has a lot to offer - even if it doesn't seem like it at first glance.
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IHHT – mit Atmung zu mehr Energie?
IHHT - breathing for more energy?
Perhaps you have heard the term IHHT (Interval Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Therapy) before? Perhaps you've wondered whether IHHT really allows you to lie completely relaxed on the couch and do something for your energy levels at the same time? Find out more here.
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Nukleotide Bild
Nucleotides - the forgotten basis of the micronutrient pyramid
Nucleotides are relevant for your DNA and support your metabolism. All about the mini building blocks and their contribution to your well-being.
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