Press release

Current knowledge about migraine and possible remedies

Studies indicate the usefulness of
magnesium supplementation

Themen dieses Blogartikels:

Munich, November 6, 2023

Migraine affects a significant portion of the German population. A 2020 statistic from the RKI indicates that 14.8 percent of women and 6 percent of men in Germany suffer from this condition. Despite its widespread prevalence, awareness and understanding of this disease is still limited.

Migraine is not just a headache. The typical pulsating, unilateral migraine headache is just one of many symptoms associated with this condition. The attacks can vary depending on the person and last between 4 and 72 hours.

A distinction is made between two types of migraine. There is one without aura, which, in addition to headaches, includes nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to sounds and light. A second type is migraine with aura. This includes neurological symptoms such as hemiplegia, speech disorders and sensory disturbances.

Although the exact causes of migraine are still the subject of scientific investigation, some triggers are known. These include genetic factors, hormonal fluctuations and environmental factors such as dietary habits, stress, alcohol and traumatic events. In the fight against migraine, many sufferers are looking for alternatives to conventional medical treatment. Recently, the discussion about the use of dietary supplements has intensified. The focus is particularly on magnesium. Studies indicate that magnesium levels in migraine sufferers are often lower than in healthy individuals. Some studies also show positive results from taking magnesium in terms of reducing migraine frequency.

Despite these promising signs, sufferers should always consult a doctor or therapist before starting any therapy or supplementation. Finally, it should be emphasized that each person is unique. What works excellently for one person may not be effective for another. It is therefore advisable to listen to the body's signals and develop an individual strategy for prevention and in acute cases of discomfort.

It may be beneficial to turn to holistic and drug-free approaches such as nutritional supplements, osteopathy, or acupuncture to comprehensively address migraine attacks and promote body health. In any case, while research continues to seek answers to the many questions surrounding migraine, it is critical to raise awareness of the condition and provide sufferers with the best possible information and resources.

For more information on migraine and nutritional supplements, go here.