Sport products

Micronutrients play a crucial role for athletes as they provide essential vitamins and minerals that are essential for metabolism, energy production and muscle recovery. A balanced intake of micronutrients not only supports athletic performance, but also helps to strengthen the immune system, which is particularly important in preventing injury and illness. Athletes should therefore make sure to optimize their diet with sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to maximize their health and performance. 8 of our MITOcare products for athletes are on the Cologne List®. Through our complex products you can support your body with the ingredients contained. All information on the exact ingredients and their effects can be found on the respective product pages.

Knowledge about sport & performance

You can find out more about sport, exercise & performance in our blog posts:
More muscle mass through epigenetics & mitochondrial power
In this article, we'll dive deep into the science behind muscle building, including the latest findings in epigenetics and mitochondrial function.
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What does creatine really do for sport?
Every athlete, at least every strength athlete, knows creatine and its advertised effects. Are you wondering what creatine really does? Then you've come to the right place. Because in this blog article, we'll go into creatine and its function, explain what creatine actually is and whether creatine influences muscle building.
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Amino acid deficiency - what are the causes and symptoms?
As organic compounds, amino acids play an important role in the human body - but not all of them in the same way. In this article, you will not only find out exactly what amino acids are and what functions they perform, but also how you can recognize a deficiency and take targeted action against it.
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Why are amino acids so important in sport?
Muscle building, performance & regeneration - amino acids are supposed to improve all of these things. Are they really that important in sport? And what are they for anyway? In this blog post, we explain what amino acids can do and why you can benefit from them as an athlete.
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Why the protein shake is no longer enough - next level: amino acids
Proteins are among the most important building blocks of our cells. Proteins are macromolecules that are made up of amino acids. Here you can find out more about the optimal supply of amino acids and reasons why protein shakes alone are no longer enough.
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Sport during your period: training and cycle in harmony
Make the most of your cycle phases for training and regeneration. Get tips for period power and more performance.
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What you should bear in mind when exercising in fall - 5 tips for an active fall season
There are a few things to consider in the fall in order to train optimally during this time. In this article, we give you 5 important tips for the transitional period and also introduce you to the perfect new sporting stimuli for fall. Autumn has a lot to offer - even if it doesn't seem like it at first glance.
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IHHT - breathing for more energy?
Perhaps you have heard the term IHHT (Interval Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Therapy) before? Perhaps you've wondered whether IHHT really allows you to lie completely relaxed on the couch and do something for your energy levels at the same time? Find out more here.
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Nucleotides - the forgotten basis of the micronutrient pyramid
What are nucleotides actually? Every process in an organism, every material component, cells, tissues and organs - everything is based on information. This level of information is stored in your DNA. In this article, we explain the basic functions of nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA, and why we believe they belong at the base of every micronutrient pyramid.
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