Press release

A solvable problem: vitamin D deficiency

The importance of vitamin D in the autumn season

Themen dieses Blogartikels:

München, 23. Oktober 2023

It's alarming: according to a publication by the German Robert Koch Institute, around 60% of adults in Germany don't have enough vitamin D. For seniors, the figure is even higher.

While the summer sunny days have come to an end and autumn has arrived, we would like to point out the growing importance of vitamin D especially at this time of year. Many people underestimate the important role this vitamin plays in overall health, especially as the days get shorter.

In the fall months, the number of hours of sunlight is reduced, resulting in less of the body's own production of vitamin D. Since the skin produces vitamin D through the sun's UVB radiation, a lack of sunlight can reduce the supply of this vital vitamin.

What exactly is vitamin D and why is it so important for us? It is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be found in the group of calciferols. Interestingly, our body can produce vitamin D itself - but it needs UV-B radiation from the sun to do so.

Despite this ability of our body to produce vitamin D itself, the sunlight in our latitudes, especially in the autumn and winter months, is often not enough. Nevertheless, experts advise to spend time outdoors regularly, even if it is cloudy.

In addition, studies have shown that vitamin D can strengthen the immune system and thus protect against colds and flu. Especially in the colder season, when illnesses occur more frequently, a sufficient vitamin D intake can be beneficial.

The lack of sunlight in autumn and winter can further lead to seasonal affective disorders in some people. Vitamin D has a positive influence on mood and can help reduce depressive moods.

To ensure sufficient intake of vitamin D, experts recommend eating fish, eggs, mushrooms and liver. However, even in these foods vitamin D is found in only small amounts. Therefore, it is advisable, especially when there is an increased need for vitamin D, to think about vitamin D products as a useful supplement.

Another aspect that is often overlooked is the vitamin D receptor. This protein is what makes the effect of vitamin D on our genes possible in the first place. Without a functioning vitamin D receptor, our bodies cannot use the vitamin effectively. Various factors, such as certain pathogens or an excess of active vitamin D3, can interfere with this receptor.

The good news: there are solutions. Vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) can bind vitamin D and thus replace the receptor. Targeted supplementation can optimize vitamin D balance, strengthening the immune system and improving well-being. But again, seek targeted advice from a physician or therapist to determine optimal dosage.

It is important to be aware of one's own vitamin D and vitamin D receptor status and, if necessary, to take measures to counteract a deficiency. An adequate supply of vitamin D is not only essential for our bones, but for our overall health.

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that maintaining healthy vitamin D levels is especially important during the fall months. An active outdoor lifestyle, a conscious diet and sensible supplementation can help to promote overall health and well-being during this time.

More information on the importance of vitamin D can be found here (in German) or from our partner, the German Society for Natural Products Medicine & Epigenetics (DGName) here (in German).

Please note that the above information is of a general nature. Individual health needs may vary and it is always advisable to seek advice from a professional.