Sleep & inner balance
Sufficient and high-quality sleep is of central importance for our physical and mental health, as it enables regeneration and recovery. Lack of sleep can lead to increased irritability, which affects inner balance. Certain micronutrients such as B vitamins can help to bring your mood back into balance. The MITOcare micronutrients listed here support your balance & inner balance as well as your sleep quality thanks to valuable ingredients. You can find all information about the exact ingredients and their effects on the product page.
Knowledge about sleep
Sleep is an important topic that you can find out more about in our blog articles:

10 tips for better sleep

How does melatonin affect your sleep?

Which vitamins help with insomnia

Sleep phases: What happens while you sleep

Problems falling asleep? Causes and tips for falling asleep
Premium products
Premium products without unnecessary fillers & additives
Developed with experts
Careful product development together with experts
Complex compounds
Valuable nutrients & plant substances with a synergetic effect - based on the model of nature
For more well-being
Pioneering knowledge from the world of micronutrients in vegan Pullulan capsules