Back to natural mobility - Complete Course
Back to natural mobility - Complete Course

Back to natural mobility - Complete Course

MITO Masterclass

Mobility as the key to holistic health and vitality - with the course "Back to Natural Mobility" by Think Flow Grow (Tim Böttner) & MITOcare.

In this Complete course, you'll get valuable basics on how your body and movement really work, in addition to many other routines with different focuses, so you'll understand your body logic. You will also learn how to integrate healthy movement into your everyday life and work. Through the course you will become Expert:in for your body again and create your holistic moving lifestyle.
Course Content Complete Course:
Welcome: 2 course videos
Mobility foundation: 11 course videos
Mobility routines: 18 course videos
• Mobility in everyday life: 8 course videos

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299,00 €
299,00 €

Incl VAT

The Complete Course contains 39 course videos

18 mobility routines for easy practice

The course helps you rediscover your natural movement intelligence

Become and stay flexible, mobile, and strong, no matter what your age

Learn proper breathing

Improve your stress management

Finally learn a movement routine and establish it as a habit

Trust your body again and improve your body awareness

Simple follow along routines for every day, every place and every body in 5 to 15 minutes (module "Mobility Routines")

Comprehensive introduction to your body logic. Understand and learn your body's natural movement intelligence (through some clear, compact and valuable basics on how movement and mobility work module "Understanding Mobility Basics/Body Logic")

Integrate the mobility you learn into your everyday life and job, so that your mobility lasts a lifetime (module "Integration into your everyday life")

After the course, you will have the ability to put together your own individual mobility routines because you know your body's needs (last video at Routines "Mobility Routines Construction Kit")

Incl. accompanying workbook

Back to your natural mobility - With a mobility routine to holistic health and vitality

When you learn to move your body again in a way that is in your nature, numerous symptoms are released and vitality and life energy unfold. It is never too late to start! Imagine if with just 5 to 12 minutes a day you could stimulate your brain, reduce pain and physical and emotional stress, optimize your lymphatic system, intestines, circulatory system, organs, hormones, muscles, fascia, joints and ligaments? You get that chance right here, right now, in the form of selected mobility routines based on the latest scientific and neurological findings. It will only cost you 5 to 12 minutes a day to be able to move easily and freely again.  

All effects are achieved through movement along the neuromotor development. This is nature's perfect training program, which you can now use again.

Learn to move your body completely, thus releasing blockages and establishing your flow! Such a movement routine should be part of your daily body care. Like brushing your teeth: A non-negotiable practice for feeling good in the here and now, and thus a guarantee for lifelong health in your life. In our course, you'll learn compact movement routines that promote all aspects of your health and vitality. 

This course is a collaboration of Think Flow Grow (Tim Böttner) & MITOcare. This course is available as a Light course and a Complete course.

This is the Complete course - it includes 39 videos, plus downloadable documents that you have lifetime access to via app or browser. No matter where or when. The course will be your faithful companion.

This is a digital product with no time limit. After purchasing the course, you have unlimited access to the content. You will receive an e-mail with exclusive access to the Elopage tool - here you will find all course content ready for you and can access it online at any time. We recommend that you take about 15 minutes a day for the movement routines of the course.

This course is a digital product - so you can take it anytime, anywhere. All you need is some space on the floor, a smartphone, tablet or computer and a willingness to do something for yourself.
The complete course costs 299,00 € once and is available for you in your exclusive Elopage account for the rest of your life.
Welcome: Benefits of the course (4:02 minutes)
Welcome: What you can expect from this course (5:07 minutes)
Mobility Basics: Your brain as a control center (16:25 minutes)
Mobility Basics: Understanding the nervous system and stress (9:23 minutes)
Mobility Basics: Motor Development as the Ultimate Training Program (7:52 minutes)
Mobility Basics: Understanding Breathing (12:06 minutes)
 Mobility Basics: Experiencing Breathing (9:29 minutes)
Mobility Basics: Looking and nodding (15:11 minutes)
Mobility Basics: Rolling (12:16 minutes)
 Mobility Basics: Variations of rolling (14:26 minutes)
Mobility Basics: Rocking (9:32 minutes)
Mobility Basics: Variations of skirting (13:53 minutes)
 Mobility Basics: Crawling (12:40 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Feelgood flow (11:34 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Completely mobile (13:31 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Relaxed Back (14:06 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Deep Relaxation (18:19 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Standing [1] (8:53 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Open chest and hips (12:02 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Mobility on the stomach (13:21 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Release adductors (8:35 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Relaxed deep squat (10:53 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Stable back and trunk (11:25 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Standing [2] (7:49 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Better walking and running (16:47 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Mobile feet (14:55 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Stable hips (13:13 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Activate lymphatic system (13:29 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Improve posture (10:36 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Completely supple (10:36 minutes)
Mobility Routine: Developing your own mobility Routine (7:18 minutes)
Mobility in everyday life: Relaxing your eyes at the computer (3:02 minutes)
Mobility in everyday life: Sitting better at work (4:04 minutes)
Mobility in everyday life: Setting up your standing workstation properly (6:18 minutes)
Mobility in everyday life: 10,000 good steps (5:05 minutes)
Mobility in everyday life: Squatting in everyday life (5:26 minutes)
Mobility in everyday life: Hanging (5:46 minutes)
Mobility in everyday life: Moving break for more productivity (4:13 minutes)
Mobility in everyday life: Sitting better in everyday life (7:16 minutes)

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