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What is manganese?
Manganese is an essential mineral that belongs to the trace elements.
What are the functions of manganese?
Manganese is found in the active centers of enzymes, among other things, and thus exerts its effect on the metabolism. It is part of certain superoxide dismutases that are found in the mitochondrion and peroxisome.1 This enables superoxides, i.e. particularly reactive radicals, to be neutralized. With this and other enzyme reactions, manganese helps to protect against oxidative stress. Manganese is also necessary for bone maintenance, connective tissue and, of course, for energy metabolism.2
What makes manganese unique?
Manganese is even used by some bacteria to generate energy without oxygen.3 Because it has a particularly large number of oxidation states, it is well suited for redox reactions and electron transfer.4
How much manganese do you need per day?
The German Nutrition Society (DGE) gives the following estimates for daily manganese intake5:
age | Mangan mg/day |
Infants | |
0 to under 4 Monate | n.a. |
4 to under 12 months | 0,6–1,0 |
Childern | |
1 to under 4 years | 1,0–1,5 |
4 to under 7 years | 1,5–2,0 |
7 to under 10 years | 2,0–3,0 |
10 to under 13 years | 2,0–5,0 |
Teenagers and adults | 2,0–5,0 |
When do you need manganese most?
High manganese requirements are associated with damage to the mitochondria and increased oxidative stress.6 In addition, alcoholics and people who have an unbalanced diet may have a slightly increased requirement.7
How does a manganese deficiency develop and how does it manifest itself?
Little is known about a possible manganese deficiency in humans. The latest research shows that a certain genetic defect can cause this deficiency.8 The consequences can be metabolic disorders and skin inflammation.9
What happens if there is an overdose of manganese?
It is virtually impossible to ingest too much manganese through food. Only if you consume more than 50 milligrams of this trace element per day can neurological disorders reminiscent of Parkinson's disease occur.10 Manganese poisoning is primarily known from ore mining and in connection with (suicide) murder attempts.11
Which foods are particularly high in manganese?
Vegans and vegetarians can rejoice: manganese is mainly found in plant-based foods such as wholegrain cereals, sprouts, oatmeal, pulses and nuts.
This dictionary entry is based on carefully researched sources:
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