OPC Supplements

OPC, also known as grape seed extract, is rich in polyphenols and can have a positive effect on well-being. Thanks to its strong antioxidant properties, it helps to neutralize free radicals, which can protect cells. It is also thought that OPC could help with wound healing and skin care. In this category you will find products that contain OPC. You can find precise information regarding dosage on the relevant product pages.

PS: The sorting is based on the popularity of our products, not on the quantity of the active ingredient

Knowledge about antioxidants, healthy aging & cell protection

Find out more about antioxidants, cell protection & healthy aging in our blog posts:
Was sind Antioxidantien? Definition, Wirkung und woher sie kommen
What are antioxidants? Definition, effect and where they come from
Antioxidants protect you from diseases and oxidative stress. Find out how to provide your body with them and what they do for your well-being.
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PQQ Wirkung: Wie PQQ und Q10 dein Wohlbefinden fördern
The PQQ effect: How PQQ and Q10 improve your well-being
Find out in the MITOcare knowledge blog how the micronutrients PQQ and Q10 strengthen your mitochondria and your performance.
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What is PQQ, what function and effect does it have on your well-being?
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Coenzym Q10
Coenzyme Q10
What is coenzyme Q10, what function und effect does it have on your well-being?
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Weißt du wie das Vitamin D-Verhältnis dein Immunsystem reguliert?
Do you know how the vitamin D ratio regulates your immune system?
Around 60% of all adults in Germany have a vitamin D deficiency or are insufficiently supplied with it. In this article, we will tell you more about the special immune vitamin D.
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Was tun bei Eisenmangel? Ursachen und Gegenmaßnahmen
What to do about iron deficiency? Causes and countermeasures
5 to 10 % of Germans suffer from iron deficiency. How it develops and how you can meet your body's iron requirements.
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Was sind Mitochondrien: Aufbau und Funktion
What are mitochondria: Structure and function
Get to know mitochondria and find out why the power plants of your cells deserve special attention.
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Mitochondrien stärken: 8 Tipps für den Alltag
8 tips for healthy mitochondria and more energy
Do you lack energy? Do you feel tired no matter how much you rest? Do you feel like you want to support your energy metabolism? Or have you heard about mitochondria and would like to find out more about what mitochondria actually are and how you can strengthen them?
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Was bedeutet liposomal? Definition & Vorteile liposomaler Produkte
What does liposomal mean? Definition & advantages of liposomal products
Find out what liposomal means and why liposomal food supplements improve the absorption of active ingredients. Read now!
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Fette & Öle – welche sind gesund?
Fats & oils - which are healthy?
Fats and oils have fallen into disrepute. But not all of them are bad. Some oils fulfill crucial functions in your body. So which oils are healthy and which should you avoid?
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Nukleotide Bild
Nucleotides - the forgotten basis of the micronutrient pyramid
Nucleotides are relevant for your DNA and support your metabolism. All about the mini building blocks and their contribution to your well-being.
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Nattokinase: Wirkung und Wissenswertes über das Enzym
Nattokinase: Effect and interesting facts about the enzyme
Do you already know nattokinase? Find out what's behind the enzyme that influences blood clotting.
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Migräne: Ursachen, Symptome und Abhilfe
Migraine: causes, symptoms and remedies
14.8% of women and 6% of men in Germany meet all the criteria for migraine. In this article, you can find out more about migraine, its manifestations, treatment options and migraine prevention.
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