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Mitochondria Health

Boost your mitochondrial health with micronutrients

Apply the knowledge from Christian Burghardt's talk at Copenhagen Health Week

Saturday, Sept 21 15:50–16:20

Christian Burghardt at Copenhagen Health Week

We are very happy that our MITOcare founder Christian Burghardt had the opportunity to talk at the Copenhagen Health Week about his favorite topic "Mitochondrial health". For all participants who listened to his talk, we would like to provide more exciting facts about mitochondria & introduce our micronutrients for mitochondrial power. All CPHHW visitors receive an exclusive discount.

Healthy mitochondria are the key to a vibrant life

MITOcare Mission: "Every human being deserves to be healthy"

Christian Burghardt founded MITOcare in 2013 to restore the body to its optimal state with the power of high-quality, synergistic micronutrients. He firmly believes that everyone deserves to be healthy. His knowledge from the Bornout Diagnostics Institute in Munich has shown him that the key to a healthy life usually lies in the mitochondria. Over 10 years of experience, studies and development have resulted in our complex mixtures, which provide the active ingredients that the human organism needs in a coordinated system.

Nowadays, supplementation with micronutrients is more important than ever - as increasing environmental pollution, stress or fewer nutrients in our food usually lead to an undersupply and can therefore have a negative impact on physical well-being.

Our products are based on nature: this means that we try to use organic active ingredients wherever possible and combine them synergistically - for example an apple contains not just one vitamin, but a combination of different nutrients. We don't use fillers or additives and we focus on bioavailability, so your body can absorb the ingredients in the best possible way. The following products can help you to support your mitochondria and ensure holistic well-being and more cell power.

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The holy grail for mitochondrial power

Our mitochondrial must-have of over 40 nutrients & botanicals with everything mitochondria love. It contains all 13 vitamins, various minerals, several amino acids such as L-glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid and over 10 other plant substances such as OPC, quercetin, resveratrol and traditional mushrooms. If we could only take one product in life, it would be this gem.

MITOcare Mitochondrien Formula Sport Produktfoto

Daily energy boost directly at cell level

This innovative Supplement provides energy directly at the cell - with vitamin C, curcumin & coenzyme Q10.

Liposomal means that the active ingredient can be absorbed directly by the cell membrane & is therefore particularly bioavailable. Learn more in this blog article.

You can find out about the power of curcumin in this blog article.

The secret weapon for cell protection, detox & regeneration

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and thus protects the cells from oxidative stress. In the mitochondria, it supports energy production and promotes detoxification. It contributes significantly to the regeneration of other antioxidants and to general cell health.

This complex product combines liposomal gluthate ion, vitamin C & OPC in the form of grape seed extract is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and thus protects the cells from oxidative stress. In the mitochondria, it supports energy production and promotes detoxification. It contributes significantly to the regeneration of other antioxidants and to general cell health.

This complex product combines liposomal glutathione, vitamin C & OPC in the form of grape seed extract

DNA building blocks for energy during the day

Amino acids are fundamental building blocks of DNA and play a key role in many bodily functions. They help to form proteins that are important for cell structure and repair. In the mitochondria, they support energy production and thus contribute to the strengthening and regeneration of cells.

This amino acid blend contains 13 amino acids, zinc, & vitamin B6 and C & is the basis for energy throughout the day.

Recovery during the night with amino acids

Amino acids play a crucial role in the mitochondria by supporting the energy flow of the cells. They make a significant contribution to cell regeneration, which leads to more effective recovery. With their help, the mitochondria can work optimally, which has a positive effect on your daily performance.

These amino acids focus on night-time recovery & contain 11 amino acids, zinc, manganese & vitamins C and B6.

The biohacker secret to repair your DNA

Nucleotides are the often overlooked foundation of the micronutrient pyramid and play a crucial role in the mitochondria and cellular energy. They serve as building blocks for ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the cell's most important energy carrier, which is produced in the mitochondria. Through their function as energy carriers and their involvement in cell division and protein synthesis, nucleotides ensure an efficient energy supply and a balanced biological system. Learn more in our blog article.

In addition to nucleotides, our complex product also contains 6 bioactive B vitamins and 4 important minerals and choline.

Decrease the electricity of your cells

Minerals are crucial for bioelectricity in the body, as they act as electrolytes and maintain the electrical voltage in the cells. This electrical voltage is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and the exchange of fluids in and out of the cells. Minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium ensure the correct balance of electrolytes and thus enable electrical communication between the cells. Without sufficient minerals, bioelectricity can be disrupted, which can impair the function of muscles, nerves and the entire metabolism. Learn more about minerals in our blogpost.

Our Premium Minerals contains 13 minerals refined with wheatgrass powder, moringa and the vital mushroom chaga.

Light & antioxidants for powerful mitochondria

Polyphenols are important for the mitochondria as they protect against free radicals and support energy production. Their ability to store light enables them to release energy in the cells, which stimulates the mitochondria and improves cell metabolism. In this way, they contribute to more energy and cell protection.

The complex product contains 12 valuable phyto-chemicals such as turmeric, schisandra, OPC, ginger, amla berries, pomegranate etc. and supports the immune system with vitamin C.

MITOcare Polyphenole Produktfoto

The key to oxygen rich blood

Oxygen in the blood is essential because it is transported from the red blood cells to the cells, where it is needed for energy production. Oxygen is used in the mitochondria to convert nutrients into energy (ATP). Without sufficient oxygen, the mitochondria cannot work effectively, which leads to a loss of energy and impaired cell function. Therefore, a good level of oxygen in the blood is crucial for health and general well-being.

Our complex product with over 30 active ingredients focuses on good blood circulation. In addition to a large number of vitamins, this complex contains various minerals, amino acids, coenzyme Q10, MSM & alpha-lipoic acid as well as a range of plant substances.

MITOcare Vestibulocochlea Produktfoto

Healthy blood clotting: the basis for strong mitochondria

In these times, healthy blood clotting is more important than ever to provide the body with optimal support. Efficient blood coagulation ensures that oxygen is transported smoothly through the body and delivered to the cells. This ensures that the mitochondria, which are dependent on sufficient oxygen for energy production, are supplied in the best possible way. This keeps the cell metabolism intact, which is crucial for the body's general well-being and resistance, especially now.

This complex product supports healthy blood clotting through vitamin C and the enzymes nattokinase, bromelain, papain & superoxide dismutase.

Learn more about nattokinase in our blog article.

Learn more about mitochondria & micronutrients that strengthen mitochondria

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